Monday, April 14, 2008

Rock of Love finale and an album recommendation

A bit of dialogue to encompass why Rock of Love is so great.

Daisy: It offended me that you called me a stripper.
Ambre: That's your occupation! I'm a TV host and you're a stripper!

I guess I'm happy that Ambre won since Daisy has bothered me - no, repulsed me - for two months now. Plus, I bet it lasts like three months, and then it ends, and then there can be a sweet Rock of Love 3.

Quick album recommendation: the Cardigans' Gran Turismo. A lot of people probably recognize the band from that poppy song from the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack a long time ago (Lovefool), but their sound has gotten VERY different over the years. I've been a fan for a while of their 2003 album Long Gone Before Daylight, which fits nicely into the folk-rock I tend to favor. Gran Turismo, on the other hand, is electronic, spacy, ethereal. Captivating. I've long admired the big single, My Favorite Game, but the whole album, in sequence, is something I hadn't experienced until tonight. Can't believe I waited this long to finally just sit down with it (well, not quite - I was on the treadmill for part of it).

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